
Useful links

Click here to explore the Gold Matters Virtual Exhibition

GOMIAM is a knowledge network on small-scale gold mining and social conflicts in the Amazon led by Dr Marjo de Theije. Gold Matters builds on the Gold Matters dataset and further information on gold mining in the Amazon Basin can be found via the webpage.

Gold Matters is one of the twelve research projects funded by the NORFACE and Belmont Forum joint research programme Transformations to Sustainability. Further information on the T2S programme are available here

Delve is a global platform for Artisanal and Small-scale mining data. Learn more about Delve here

Find out more about the photographer Nii Obodai here

Take a look at Christophe Sawadogo’s artwork on his webpage

Environmental Women in Action for Development (EWAD) is a Ugandan Non-Governmental Organisation based in Entebbe. Gold Matters team member, Mrs Margaret Tuhumwire is Director of EWAD. Learn more about EWAD on their website