Click on a word for examples of our publications
Marjo de Theije
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Insurgent infrastructures: bottom-up infrastructure-building in gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Globalizations, 1-17
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Amalgamation: Social, technological, and legal entanglements in small-scale gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Geoforum, 128, 202-212
Theije, M. de. (2021). Corporate and migrant investment in a gold mining development corridor. The case of Suriname. In: van Westen, G. Leung, M. Otsuki, K. & Zoomers, A. (eds.), Handbook of Translocal Development and Global Mobilities. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 177-188
Theije, M. de. (2020). Mobilidade nas fronteiras Guianenses. In: Sardinha, A.C. de Souza Silva, D.J. and Gushiken, Y. (eds.), Estudos de Cultura: Abordagens e Perspectivas. Macapá: Unifap, pp. 65-81
de Theije, M. (2020) Brazil: Forever Informal. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 117-134
Luning S.W.J. & de Theije M. (2019). Rubbish at the Border. A Minefield of Conservationist Politics at the Lawa River, Suriname/French Guiana. In: Eriksen T.H., Pijpers R.J. (Eds.) Mining Encounters.: Pluto Press. 59-77
Salman, T., de Theije, M. & Vélez-Torres, I. (2018) Structures, actors, and interactions in the analysis of natural resource conflicts. Ecology and Society. 23, 3, p. 1-9, 30
Salman, T., & de Theije, M. (2017) Analysing conflicts around small-scale gold mining in the Amazon: the contribution of a multi-temporal model. The Extractive Industries and Society, 4(3), 586-594
Seccatore, J., & de Theije, M. (2017) Socio-technical study of small-scale gold mining in Suriname. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 107-119
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018) Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, 618-635
Eleanor Fisher
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Fisher, E., Luning, S., D’Angelo, L., Araujo, C. H., de Balme, L. A., Calvimontes, J., … & Twongyirwe, R. (2021). Transforming matters: sustaining gold lifeways in artisanal and small-scale mining. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 190-200
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020). Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Fisher, E. (2018). Solidarities at a distance: Extending Fairtrade gold to east Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5(1), 81-90.
Fisher, E., Mwaipopo, R., Mutagwaba, W., Nyange, D. and Yaron, G. (2009) The ladder that sends us to wealth”: artisanal mining and poverty reduction in Tanzania. Resources Policy, 34 (1-2). pp. 32-38
Fisher, E. (2007) Occupying the margins: labour integration and social exclusion in artisanal mining in Tanzania. Development and change, 38(4), 735-760
Sabine Luning
Luning, S.W.J. and Pijpers, R. (2022). Drawing on Words and Images: collaborations in the anthropology of the underground, Anthropology and Photography, Volume 16
Luning, S.W.J. (2022). Underground, in D’Angelo, L. and Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) Anthropology of Resource Extraction, Routledge: London & New York, pp. 167-183.
Pijpers, R.J. & Luning, S. (2021). ‘We have so many challenges’: Small‐scale mining, Covid‐19 and constant interruptions in West Africa. Anthropology Today, 37(2), 10-14
Luning S.W.J. (2020) Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 207-223
Luning S.W.J. & De Theije M. (2019) Rubbish at the Border. A Minefield of Conservationist Politics at the Lawa River, Suriname/French Guiana. In: Eriksen T.H., Pijpers R.J. (Eds.) Mining Encounters.: Pluto Press. 59-77
Luning & S. (2018) Mining temporalities: Future perspectives. The Extractive Industries and Society 5(2): 281-286
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Shifting alliances in accessing the underground. Africa88 (4):876-880
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779
Luning S.W.J. (2014) The future of artisanal miners from a large-scale perspective: From valued pathfinders to disposable illegals? Futures 62(A): 67-74
Lorenzo D’Angelo
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (2022). Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge.
D’Angelo, L. Pijpers, R.J. (2022). The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. An Introduction, in D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) The Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge, pp. 1-19.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), p. 1347-1350
D’Angelo, L. (2019) God’s Gifts. Destiny, Poverty, and Temporality in the Mines of Sierra Leone. Africa Spectrum 54 (1): 44-60
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers (2018) Mining Temporalities. Extractive Industries and the Politics of Time. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 215-372
D’Angelo, L. (2018) From traces to carpets: unravelling labour practices in the mines of Sierra Leone. In Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour (pp. 313-342). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Cristiano Lanzano
Lanzano, C. (2022). Sustainability. In: The Anthropology of Resource Extraction: An Introduction. In: The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. Routledge: London & New York, pp. 149-166
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
Lanzano, C. (2021). Hybrid governance in an impermanent mining settlement in Burkina Faso. In: L. Stark, A. Teppo (eds.) Power and Informality in Urban Africa: Ethnographic Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 23-53.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Verbrugge, B., Lanzano, C., & Libassi, M. (2021). The cyanide revolution: Efficiency gains and exclusion in artisanal-and small-scale gold mining. Geoforum, 126, 267-276
Lanzano, C., & Arnaldi di Balme, L. (2021). Who owns the mud? Valuable leftovers, sociotechnical innovation and changing relations of production in artisanal gold mining (Burkina Faso). Journal of Agrarian Change: 1-26
Lanzano, C. (2020). Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso: innovations at the periphery. In: B. Verbrugge, S. Geenen (eds.) The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.245-262.
Lanzano C. (2018) Gold Digging and the Politics of Time: Changing Timescapes of Artisanal Mining in West Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 253-259
Lanzano C., Arnaldi di Balme L. (2017) Des ‘Puits Burkinabè’ en Haute Guinée: Processus et Enjeux de la Circulation de Savoirs Techniques dans le Secteur Minier Artisanal. Autrepart. Revue de Sciences Sociales au Sud 82: 87-108
Robert Pijpers
Luning, S.W.J. and Pijpers, R. (2022). Drawing on Words and Images: collaborations in the anthropology of the underground, Anthropology and Photography, Volume 16
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (2022). Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge.
D’Angelo, L. Pijpers, R.J. (2022). The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. An Introduction, in D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) The Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge, pp. 1-19.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Pijpers, R.J. & Luning, S. (2021). ‘We have so many challenges’: Small‐scale mining, Covid‐19 and constant interruptions in West Africa. Anthropology Today, 37(2), 10-14
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Lost glory or poor legacy? The past as political instrument in a Sierra Leonean mining town. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 145: 1–20
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Ghana: A History of Expansion and Contraction in Gold Mining. In Verbrugge, B and Geenen, S. (eds). The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: A Story of Global Expansion, Technological Innovation, and Informalization. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.169-84
Pijpers, R.J. & Eriksen (2018) Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press
Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Territories of contestation: Negotiating mining concessions in Sierra Leone. In Pijpers, R.J. and Eriksen, T.H. (eds). Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers (2018) Mining Temporalities. Extractive Industries and the Politics of Time. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 215-372
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Shifting alliances in accessing the underground. Africa 88 (4):876-880
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779
Pijpers, R.J. (2016) Mining, expectations and turbulent times: locating accelerated change in rural Sierra Leone. History & Anthropology 27 (5): 504 – 520
Pijpers, R.J. (2014) Crops and Carats: Exploring the Interconnectedness of Mining and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Futures 62 (A): 32 – 39
Jorge Calvimontes
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), p. 1347-1350
Luciana Massaro
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018) Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, 618-635.
Lúcia da Costa Ferreira
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Ferreira, L.C. (2004) Dimensões humanas da biodiversidade: mudanças sociais e conflitos em torno de áreas protegidas no Vale do Ribeira, SP, Brasil. Ambiente & sociedade. 7.1, 47-66
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Giorgio de Tomi
De Tomi, G., Araujo, C. H. X., Azevedo, J. P. D. (2021). Pequena Mineração Responsável e o Cooperativismo Mineral. In: Freitas, Alan. F., Freitas, Alair Ferreira De (Orgs). Cooperativismo mineral no Brasil: características, desafios e perspectivas. Editora Asa Pequena, v. 1, pp. 27-44.
Seccatore, J., de Tomi, G. Veiga, M. (2015) Efficiency as a road to sustainability in small scale mining. Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 395-402
Omotehinse, A. O.; de Tomi, G.; Baninla, Y. (2019) Proactive Management of Ecosystem Services in Oil Sands Pre-mining Phase. Natural Resources Research. 1-17
Steinberg, J. G.; de Tomi, G. (2010) Lean mining: principles for modelling and improving processes of mineral value chains. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. 6.3: 279-298
Luigi Arnaldi di Balme
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
Lanzano, C., & Arnaldi di Balme, L. (2021). Who owns the mud? Valuable leftovers, sociotechnical innovation and changing relations of production in artisanal gold mining (Burkina Faso). Journal of Agrarian Change: 1-26
Lanzano C., Arnaldi di Balme L. (2017) Des ‘Puits Burkinabè’ en Haute Guinée: Processus et Enjeux de la Circulation de Savoirs Techniques dans le Secteur Minier Artisanal. Autrepart. Revue de Sciences Sociales au Sud 82: 87-108
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C. (2013) Entrepreneurs de la frontière » : le rôle des comptoirs privés dans les sites d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. Dans Politique africaine (N° 131)
Ronald Twongyirwe
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020) Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan.
Twongyirwe, R., Mike Bithell, Keith S. Richards (2018) Revisiting the drivers of deforestation in the tropics: Insights from local and key informant perceptions in western Uganda. Journal of Rural Studies 63: 105-119.
Luigi Arnaldi di Balme
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
Lanzano, C., & Arnaldi di Balme, L. (2021). Who owns the mud? Valuable leftovers, sociotechnical innovation and changing relations of production in artisanal gold mining (Burkina Faso). Journal of Agrarian Change: 1-26
Lanzano C., Arnaldi di Balme L. (2017) Des ‘Puits Burkinabè’ en Haute Guinée: Processus et Enjeux de la Circulation de Savoirs Techniques dans le Secteur Minier Artisanal. Autrepart. Revue de Sciences Sociales au Sud 82: 87-108
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C. (2013) Entrepreneurs de la frontière » : le rôle des comptoirs privés dans les sites d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. Dans Politique africaine (N° 131)
Jorge Calvimontes
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), p. 1347-1350
Lúcia da Costa Ferreira
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Ferreira, L.C. (2004) Dimensões humanas da biodiversidade: mudanças sociais e conflitos em torno de áreas protegidas no Vale do Ribeira, SP, Brasil. Ambiente & sociedade. 7.1, 47-66
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Lorenzo D’Angelo
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (2022). Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge.
D’Angelo, L. Pijpers, R.J. (2022). The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. An Introduction, in D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) The Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge, pp. 1-19.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), p. 1347-1350
D’Angelo, L. (2019) God’s Gifts. Destiny, Poverty, and Temporality in the Mines of Sierra Leone. Africa Spectrum 54 (1): 44-60
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers (2018) Mining Temporalities. Extractive Industries and the Politics of Time. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 215-372
D’Angelo, L. (2018) From traces to carpets: unravelling labour practices in the mines of Sierra Leone. In Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour (pp. 313-342). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Marjo de Theije
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Insurgent infrastructures: bottom-up infrastructure-building in gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Globalizations, 1-17
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Amalgamation: Social, technological, and legal entanglements in small-scale gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Geoforum, 128, 202-212
Theije, M. de. (2021). Corporate and migrant investment in a gold mining development corridor. The case of Suriname. In: van Westen, G. Leung, M. Otsuki, K. & Zoomers, A. (eds.), Handbook of Translocal Development and Global Mobilities. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 177-188
Theije, M. de. (2020). Mobilidade nas fronteiras Guianenses. In: Sardinha, A.C. de Souza Silva, D.J. and Gushiken, Y. (eds.), Estudos de Cultura: Abordagens e Perspectivas. Macapá: Unifap, pp. 65-81
de Theije, M. (2020) Brazil: Forever Informal. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 117-134
Luning S.W.J. & de Theije M. (2019). Rubbish at the Border. A Minefield of Conservationist Politics at the Lawa River, Suriname/French Guiana. In: Eriksen T.H., Pijpers R.J. (Eds.) Mining Encounters.: Pluto Press. 59-77
Salman, T., de Theije, M. & Vélez-Torres, I. (2018) Structures, actors, and interactions in the analysis of natural resource conflicts. Ecology and Society. 23, 3, p. 1-9, 30
Salman, T., & de Theije, M. (2017) Analysing conflicts around small-scale gold mining in the Amazon: the contribution of a multi-temporal model. The Extractive Industries and Society, 4(3), 586-594
Seccatore, J., & de Theije, M. (2017) Socio-technical study of small-scale gold mining in Suriname. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 107-119
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018) Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, 618-635
Giorgio De Tomi
De Tomi, G., Araujo, C. H. X., Azevedo, J. P. D. (2021). Pequena Mineração Responsável e o Cooperativismo Mineral. In: Freitas, Alan. F., Freitas, Alair Ferreira De (Orgs). Cooperativismo mineral no Brasil: características, desafios e perspectivas. Editora Asa Pequena, v. 1, pp. 27-44.
Seccatore, J., de Tomi, G. Veiga, M. (2015) Efficiency as a road to sustainability in small scale mining. Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 395-402
Omotehinse, A. O.; de Tomi, G.; Baninla, Y. (2019) Proactive Management of Ecosystem Services in Oil Sands Pre-mining Phase. Natural Resources Research. 1-17
Steinberg, J. G.; de Tomi, G. (2010) Lean mining: principles for modelling and improving processes of mineral value chains. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. 6.3: 279-298
Eleanor Fisher
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Fisher, E., Luning, S., D’Angelo, L., Araujo, C. H., de Balme, L. A., Calvimontes, J., … & Twongyirwe, R. (2021). Transforming matters: sustaining gold lifeways in artisanal and small-scale mining. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 190-200
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020). Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Fisher, E. (2018). Solidarities at a distance: Extending Fairtrade gold to east Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5(1), 81-90
Fisher, E., Mwaipopo, R., Mutagwaba, W., Nyange, D. and Yaron, G. (2009) The ladder that sends us to wealth”: artisanal mining and poverty reduction in Tanzania. Resources Policy, 34 (1-2). pp. 32-38
Fisher, E. (2007) Occupying the margins: labour integration and social exclusion in artisanal mining in Tanzania. Development and change, 38(4), 735-760
Cristiano Lanzano
Lanzano, C. (2022). Sustainability. In: The Anthropology of Resource Extraction: An Introduction. In: The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. Routledge: London & New York, pp. 149-166
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
Lanzano, C. (2021). Hybrid governance in an impermanent mining settlement in Burkina Faso. In: L. Stark, A. Teppo (eds.) Power and Informality in Urban Africa: Ethnographic Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 23-53.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Verbrugge, B., Lanzano, C., & Libassi, M. (2021). The cyanide revolution: Efficiency gains and exclusion in artisanal-and small-scale gold mining. Geoforum, 126, 267-276
Lanzano, C., & Arnaldi di Balme, L. (2021). Who owns the mud? Valuable leftovers, sociotechnical innovation and changing relations of production in artisanal gold mining (Burkina Faso). Journal of Agrarian Change: 1-26
Lanzano, C. (2020). Guinea Conakry and Burkina Faso: innovations at the periphery. In: B. Verbrugge, S. Geenen (eds.) The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.245-262.
Lanzano C. (2018) Gold Digging and the Politics of Time: Changing Timescapes of Artisanal Mining in West Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 253-259
Lanzano C., Arnaldi di Balme L. (2017) Des ‘Puits Burkinabè’ en Haute Guinée: Processus et Enjeux de la Circulation de Savoirs Techniques dans le Secteur Minier Artisanal. Autrepart. Revue de Sciences Sociales au Sud 82: 87-108
Sabine Luning
Luning, S.W.J. and Pijpers, R. (2022). Drawing on Words and Images: collaborations in the anthropology of the underground, Anthropology and Photography, Volume 16
Luning, S.W.J. (2022). Underground, in D’Angelo, L. and Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) Anthropology of Resource Extraction, Routledge: London & New York, pp. 167-183.
Pijpers, R.J. & Luning, S. (2021). ‘We have so many challenges’: Small‐scale mining, Covid‐19 and constant interruptions in West Africa. Anthropology Today, 37(2), 10-14
Luning S.W.J. (2020) Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 207-223
Luning S.W.J. & De Theije M. (2019) Rubbish at the Border. A Minefield of Conservationist Politics at the Lawa River, Suriname/French Guiana. In: Eriksen T.H., Pijpers R.J. (Eds.) Mining Encounters.: Pluto Press. 59-77
Luning & S. (2018) Mining temporalities: Future perspectives. The Extractive Industries and Society 5(2): 281-286
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Shifting alliances in accessing the underground. Africa88 (4):876-880
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779
Luning S.W.J. (2014) The future of artisanal miners from a large-scale perspective: From valued pathfinders to disposable illegals? Futures 62(A): 67-74
Luciana Massaro
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018) Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, 618-635.
Alizéta Ouedraogo
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
Ouédraogo, A. (2021). “Tãngpogse”: Anthropology of female gold panning and maternal and child health: pregnancies, childbirths and care of “koom peelse” (newborns) in south-west Burkina Faso. PhD Thesis: University Lyon 2
Ouédraogo, A. (2020) Les détentrices de hangars de traitement de l’or face à la technique de cyanuration (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso). Journal des africanistes 90 (1),158-179
Ouédraogo, A. (2020) De l’« empowerment » des femmes lobi sur les sites d’orpaillage dans le Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Militance Pour la connaissance des sociétés du Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Hommage à Madeleine Père, coordonné par Yamba Bidima, Michèle Cros et Quentin Mégret, L’Harmattan, 171-180
Robert Pijpers
Luning, S.W.J. and Pijpers, R. (2022). Drawing on Words and Images: collaborations in the anthropology of the underground, Anthropology and Photography, Volume 16
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (2022). Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge.
D’Angelo, L. Pijpers, R.J. (2022). The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. An Introduction, in D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) The Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge, pp. 1-19.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Pijpers, R.J. & Luning, S. (2021). ‘We have so many challenges’: Small‐scale mining, Covid‐19 and constant interruptions in West Africa. Anthropology Today, 37(2), 10-14
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Lost glory or poor legacy? The past as political instrument in a Sierra Leonean mining town. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 145: 1–20
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Ghana: A History of Expansion and Contraction in Gold Mining. In Verbrugge, B and Geenen, S. (eds). The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: A Story of Global Expansion, Technological Innovation, and Informalization. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.169-84
Pijpers, R.J. & Eriksen (2018) Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press
Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Territories of contestation: Negotiating mining concessions in Sierra Leone. In Pijpers, R.J. and Eriksen, T.H. (eds). Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers (2018) Mining Temporalities. Extractive Industries and the Politics of Time. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 215-372
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Shifting alliances in accessing the underground. Africa 88 (4):876-880
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779
Pijpers, R.J. (2016) Mining, expectations and turbulent times: locating accelerated change in rural Sierra Leone. History & Anthropology 27 (5): 504 – 520
Pijpers, R.J. (2014) Crops and Carats: Exploring the Interconnectedness of Mining and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Futures 62 (A): 32 – 39
Ronald Twongyirwe
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020) Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Twongyirwe, R., Mike Bithell, Keith S. Richards (2018) Revisiting the drivers of deforestation in the tropics: Insights from local and key informant perceptions in western Uganda. Journal of Rural Studies 63: 105-119
Esther van de Camp
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020) Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Van de Camp, E. (2019) Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. in: C. Huggins (ed.) Property Rights and Governance in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Critical Approaches Routledge
Van de Camp, E. (2016) Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. Third World Thematics 1(2): 267-283
D’Angelo, L. (2019) God’s Gifts. Destiny, Poverty, and Temporality in the Mines of Sierra Leone. Africa Spectrum 54 (1), 44-60.
Fisher, E., Mwaipopo, R., Mutagwaba, W., Nyange, D. and Yaron, G. (2009) The ladder that sends us to wealth”: artisanal mining and poverty reduction in Tanzania. Resources Policy, 34 (1-2), 32-38.
de Theije, M. (2020) Brazil: Forever Informal. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 117-134.
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350.
D’Angelo, L. (2019). Changing Environments, Occult Protests, and Social Memories in Sierra Leone, in Bondarenko, D.M., M.L. Butoskaya (eds.) The Omnipresent Past. Historical Anthropology of Africa and African Diaspora, Moscow, LRC Publishing House, pp. 46-65
Salman, T., de Theije, M. & Vélez-Torres, I. (2018) Structures, actors, and interactions in the analysis of natural resource conflicts. Ecology and Society. 23, 3, p. 1-9, 30.
Salman, T., & de Theije, M. (2017) Analysing conflicts around small-scale gold mining in the Amazon: the contribution of a multi-temporal model. The Extractive Industries and Society, 4(3), 586-594.
Ferreira, L.C. (2004) Dimensões humanas da biodiversidade: mudanças sociais e conflitos em torno de áreas protegidas no Vale do Ribeira, SP, Brasil. Ambiente & sociedade. 7.1: 47-66.
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350.
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Insurgent infrastructures: bottom-up infrastructure-building in gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Globalizations, 1-17
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Amalgamation: Social, technological, and legal entanglements in small-scale gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Geoforum, 128, 202-212
Omotehinse, A. O.; de Tomi, G.; Baninla, Y. (2019) Proactive Management of Ecosystem Services in Oil Sands Pre-mining Phase. Natural Resources Research. 1-17.
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Shifting alliances in accessing the underground. Africa88 (4):876-880.
Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Territories of contestation: Negotiating mining concessions in Sierra Leone. In Pijpers, R.J. and Eriksen, T.H. (eds). Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press.
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779.
D’Angelo, L. (2022). Technology, in D’Angelo, L. and Pijpers, R.J. (eds.) The Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge, pp. 167-183.
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
De Tomi, G., Araujo, C. H. X., Azevedo, J. P. D. (2021). Pequena Mineração Responsável e o Cooperativismo Mineral. In: Freitas, Alan. F., Freitas, Alair Ferreira De (Orgs). Cooperativismo mineral no Brasil: características, desafios e perspectivas. Editora Asa Pequena, v. 1, pp. 27-44
Jonkman, J. & de Theije, M. (2022). Amalgamation: Social, technological, and legal entanglements in small-scale gold-mining regions in Colombia and Suriname. Geoforum, 128, 202-212
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018) Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, 618-635
D’Angelo, L. (2018) From traces to carpets: unravelling labour practices in the mines of Sierra Leone. In Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour (pp. 313-342). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Seccatore, J., & de Theije, M. (2017) Socio-technical study of small-scale gold mining in Suriname. Journal of Cleaner Production, 144, 107-119
Lanzano C., Arnaldi di Balme L. (2017) Des ‘Puits Burkinabè’ en Haute Guinée: Processus et Enjeux de la Circulation de Savoirs Techniques dans le Secteur Minier Artisanal. Autrepart. Revue de Sciences Sociales au Sud 82: 87-108
Seccatore, J., de Tomi, G. Veiga, M. (2015) Efficiency as a road to sustainability in small scale mining. Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 395-402
Steinberg, J. G.; de Tomi, G. (2010) Lean mining: principles for modelling and improving processes of mineral value chains. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management. 6.3: 279-298
D’Angelo, L. (2022). Operation Parasite. Diamonds, Smallpox, and Mass Expulsions of Strangers in Colonial Sierra Leone. Canadian Journal of African Studies / La revue canadienne des études africaines
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Lost glory or poor legacy? The past as political instrument in a Sierra Leonean mining town. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 145: 1–20.
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Ghana: A History of Expansion and Contraction in Gold Mining. In Verbrugge, B and Geenen, S. (eds). The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: A Story of Global Expansion, Technological Innovation, and Informalization. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.169-84.
D’Angelo, L. (2019). Changing Environments, Occult Protests, and Social Memories in Sierra Leone, in Bondarenko, D.M., M.L. Butoskaya (eds.) The Omnipresent Past. Historical Anthropology of Africa and African Diaspora, Moscow, LRC Publishing House, pp. 46-65
Luning S.W.J. & de Theije M. (2019) Rubbish at the Border. A Minefield of Conservationist Politics at the Lawa River, Suriname/French Guiana. In: Eriksen T.H., Pijpers R.J. (Eds.) Mining Encounters: Pluto Press. 59-77.
Lanzano C. (2018) Gold Digging and the Politics of Time: Changing Timescapes of Artisanal Mining in West Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 253-259
Pijpers, R.J. & Eriksen (2018) Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press.
Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Territories of contestation: Negotiating mining concessions in Sierra Leone. In Pijpers, R.J. and Eriksen, T.H. (eds). Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press.
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Shifting alliances in accessing the underground. Africa88 (4):876-880.
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779.
Pijpers, R.J. (2020) Lost glory or poor legacy? The past as political instrument in a Sierra Leonean mining town. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 145:1–20.
D’Angelo, L. (2019). Diamonds and Plural Temporalities. Articulating Encounters in the Mines of Sierra Leone, in Pijpers R.J., Eriksen, T.H. (eds.) Mining Encounters. Extractive Industries in an Overheated World, London, Pluto Press, pp. 138-155.
D’Angelo, L. (2019). God’s Gifts. Destiny, Poverty, and Temporality in the Mines of Sierra Leone, Africa Spectrum, 54 (1): 44-60.
Van de Camp, E. (2019) Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. in: C. Huggins (ed.) Property Rights and Governance in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Critical Approaches Routledge.
Luning & S. (2018) Mining temporalities: Future perspectives. The Extractive Industries and Society 5(2): 281-286.
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers (2018) Mining Temporalities. Extractive Industries and the Politics of Time. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 215-372.
Pijpers, R.J. (2016) Mining, expectations and turbulent times: locating accelerated change in rural Sierra Leone. History & Anthropology 27 (5): 504 – 520.
Camp E. van de (2016). Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. Third World Thematics 1(2): 267-283.
Luning S.W.J. (2014) The future of artisanal miners from a large-scale perspective: From valued pathfinders to disposable illegals? Futures 62(A): 67-74.
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020) Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Luning S.W.J. (2020) Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 207-223
D’Angelo, L. (2019). Changing Environments, Occult Protests, and Social Memories in Sierra Leone, in Bondarenko, D.M., M.L. Butoskaya (eds.) The Omnipresent Past. Historical Anthropology of Africa and African Diaspora, Moscow, LRC Publishing House, pp. 46-65
Pijpers, R.J. (2018) Territories of contestation: Negotiating mining concessions in Sierra Leone. In Pijpers, R.J. and Eriksen, T.H. (eds). Mining Encounters: Extractive Industries in an Overheated World. London: Pluto Press
Twongyirwe, R., Mike Bithell, Keith S. Richards (2018) Revisiting the drivers of deforestation in the tropics: Insights from local and key informant perceptions in western Uganda. Journal of Rural Studies 63: 105-119
Pijpers, R.J. (2014) Crops and Carats: Exploring the Interconnectedness of Mining and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Futures 62 (A): 32 – 39
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Mello, Januaria. (2022). A woman from garimpo: the autobiographical novel by Nenê Macaggi in Roraima. Cadernos Pagu nº 65, Campinas
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
de Theije, M. (2020). Brazil: Forever Informal. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 117-134
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350
Massaro, L. & de Theije, M. (2018) Understanding small-scale gold mining practices: An anthropological study on technological innovation in the Vale do Rio Peixoto (Mato Grosso, Brazil). Journal of Cleaner Production. 204, 618-635
Seccatore, J., de Tomi, G. Veiga, M. (2015) Efficiency as a road to sustainability in small scale mining. Materials Science Forum. Trans Tech Publications Ltd. 395-402
Ferreira, L.C. (2004) Dimensões humanas da biodiversidade: mudanças sociais e conflitos em torno de áreas protegidas no Vale do Ribeira, SP, Brasil. Ambiente & sociedade. 7.1: 47-66
D’Angelo, L. (2022). Operation Parasite. Diamonds, Smallpox, and Mass Expulsions of Strangers in Colonial Sierra Leone. Canadian Journal of African Studies / La revue canadienne des études africaines
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Lanzano, C., & Arnaldi di Balme, L. (2021). Who owns the mud? Valuable leftovers, sociotechnical innovation and changing relations of production in artisanal gold mining (Burkina Faso). Journal of Agrarian Change: 1-26
Ouédraogo, A. (2020) Les détentrices de hangars de traitement de l’or face à la technique de cyanuration (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso). Journal des africanistes 90 (1),158-179
Ouédraogo, A. (2020) De l’« empowerment » des femmes lobi sur les sites d’orpaillage dans le Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Militance Pour la connaissance des sociétés du Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Hommage à Madeleine Père, coordonné par Yamba Bidima, Michèle Cros et Quentin Mégret, L’Harmattan, 171-180
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020). Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Luning S.W.J. (2020) Burkina Faso: Global Gold Expansion and Local Terrains. In B. Verbrugge, & S. Geenen (Eds.), Global Gold Production Touching Ground: Expansion, Informalization, and Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. 207-223
D’Angelo, L. (2019) God’s Gifts. Destiny, Poverty, and Temporality in the Mines of Sierra Leone. Africa Spectrum 54 (1): 44-60
Van de Camp, E. (2019) Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. in: C. Huggins (ed.) Property Rights and Governance in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Critical Approaches Routledge
D’Angelo, L. (2018) From traces to carpets: unravelling labour practices in the mines of Sierra Leone. In Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour (pp. 313-342). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham
Lanzano C. (2018) Gold Digging and the Politics of Time: Changing Timescapes of Artisanal Mining in West Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society 5 (2): 253-259
Fisher, E. (2018) Solidarities at a distance: Extending Fairtrade gold to east Africa. The Extractive Industries and Society, 5(1), 81-90
Luning, S. and Pijpers, R.J. (2017) Governing access to gold in Ghana: in-depth geopolitics on mining concessions. Africa 87 (4): 758-779
Lanzano C., Arnaldi di Balme L. (2017) Des ‘Puits Burkinabè’ en Haute Guinée: Processus et Enjeux de la Circulation de Savoirs Techniques dans le Secteur Minier Artisanal. Autrepart. Revue de Sciences Sociales au Sud 82: 87-108
Pijpers, R.J. (2016) Mining, expectations and turbulent times: locating accelerated change in rural Sierra Leone. History & Anthropology 27 (5): 504 – 520
Van de Camp, E. (2016). Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. Third World Thematics 1(2): 267-283
Pijpers, R.J. (2014) Crops and Carats: Exploring the Interconnectedness of Mining and Agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa. Futures 62 (A): 32 – 39
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C. (2013) Entrepreneurs de la frontière » : le rôle des comptoirs privés dans les sites d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. Dans Politique africaine (N° 131)
Fisher, E., Mwaipopo, R., Mutagwaba, W., Nyange, D. and Yaron, G. (2009). The ladder that sends us to wealth”: artisanal mining and poverty reduction in Tanzania. Resources Policy, 34 (1-2). pp. 32-38
Fisher, E. (2007). Occupying the margins: labour integration and social exclusion in artisanal mining in Tanzania. Development and change, 38(4), 735-760
Pijpers, R.J. & Luning, S. (2021). ‘We have so many challenges’: Small‐scale mining, Covid‐19 and constant interruptions in West Africa. Anthropology Today, 37(2), 10-14
Calvimontes, J., Massaro, L., Araujo, C. H. X., Moraes, R. R., Mello, J., Ferreira, L. C. & de Theije, M. (2020) Small-scale gold mining and the COVID-19 pandemic: Conflict and cooperation in the Brazilian Amazon. The Extractive Industries and Society 7(4), 1347-1350.
Esther van de Camp
Pijpers, R. J., van de Camp, E., Fisher, E., Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., D’Angelo, L., & Lanzano, C. (2021). Mining ‘Waste’. Etnofoor, 33(2), 13-40
Fisher, E., D’Angelo, L., Twongyirwe, R., van de Camp, E. (2020) Uganda: Gold as a (Trans)National Treasure. In: The Global Gold Production System Touching Ground: Expansion, Technological Innovation and Informalization. Palgrave Macmillan
Van de Camp, E. (2019) Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. in: C. Huggins (ed.) Property Rights and Governance in Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining: Critical Approaches Routledge
Van de Camp, E. (2016) Artisanal gold mining in Kejetia (Tongo, Northern Ghana): a three-dimensional perspective. Third World Thematics 1(2): 267-283
Alizèta Ouedraogo
Arnaldi di Balme L., Lanzano C., Ouédraogo A. (2022). Le pagne et le pantalon. Evolutions sociotechniques et relations de genre dans les pratiques d’extraction artisanale de l’or au Burkina Faso. In: K. Grieco, V. Bos (eds.) Machines, genre et nature. Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, pp. n.d.
Ouédraogo, A. (2021). “Tãngpogse”: Anthropology of female gold panning and maternal and child health: pregnancies, childbirths and care of “koom peelse” (newborns) in south-west Burkina Faso. PhD Thesis: University Lyon 2
Ouédraogo, A. (2020) Les détentrices de hangars de traitement de l’or face à la technique de cyanuration (sud-ouest du Burkina Faso). Journal des africanistes 90 (1),158-179
Ouédraogo, A. (2020) De l’« empowerment » des femmes lobi sur les sites d’orpaillage dans le Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Militance Pour la connaissance des sociétés du Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso. Hommage à Madeleine Père, coordonné par Yamba Bidima, Michèle Cros et Quentin Mégret, L’Harmattan, 171-180
D’Angelo, L., Pijpers, R.J. (2022). Anthropology of Resource Extraction, London – New York, Routledge.
Lanzano, C. (2022). Sustainability. In: The Anthropology of Resource Extraction: An Introduction. In: The Anthropology of Resource Extraction. Routledge: London & New York, pp. 149-166
Luning, S.W.J. and Pijpers, R. (2022). Drawing on Words and Images: collaborations in the anthropology of the underground, Anthropology and Photography, Volume 16
Massaro, L., Calvimontes, J., Ferreira, L. C., & de Theije, M. (2022). Balancing economic development and environmental responsibility: Perceptions from communities of garimpeiros in the Brazilian Amazon. Resources Policy, 79
Fisher, E., Luning, S., D’Angelo, L., Araujo, C. H., de Balme, L. A., Calvimontes, J., … & Twongyirwe, R. (2021). Transforming matters: sustaining gold lifeways in artisanal and small-scale mining. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 49, 190-200.