
Prof. Dr. Eleanor Fisher (Project Lead)

“Focusing on artisanal and small-scale gold mining challenges how we conceptualize transformations to sustainability”

Dr. Sabine Luning

“Collaborating closely with miners within new ways of visualizing the in-depth geopolitics of mining helps us to understand their sustainability priorities”

Prof. Dr. Wayne Modest

“I think historical guilt is productive as a way of activating the possibility of creating other futures”

Prof. Dr. Marjo de Theije

“Gold digger culture provides fascinating insight into transformations to sustainability”

Prof. Dr. Giorgio de Tomi

“I believe integrated regional development will nurture sustainability transformations in small-scale gold mining”

Prof. Dr. Lucia da Costa Ferreira

“Situating mining within wider sociologies of sustainable development”

Dr. Robert Pijpers

“Understanding miners´ imaginations of sustainable futures is critical for developing a better understanding of sustainability in ASGM.”

Dr. Ronald Twongyirwe

“Data from remote sensing provides a different optic for exploring sustainability in gold mining”

Prof. Dr. Michael Schnegg

"Gold matters because it transforms lands- and seascapes."

Mrs Margaret Tuhumwire

“Changing perceptions of gold miners in sustainable development”

Mr Francis Nii Obodai Provencal

“Through photography I visualize the art of mining life as I experience it”

Mr Luigi Arnaldi di Balme

"Understanding land tenure, access arrangements, and competing resource claims is integral to sustainability considerations for small-scale gold mining"

Ms Alizeta Ouedraogo

"Women's knowledge and practices in artisanal gold mining reveals the need for multi-actor understandings of sustainability"

Dr. Cristiano Lanzano

"I will focus on the transformations in technologies and work relations to investigate local visions of sustainability that emerge in artisanal gold mining areas."

Ms Esther van de Camp

“We need to understand the deep diversity in ASGM – subterranean differences and contrasts across sites”

Dr. Luciana Massaro

"Understanding how different social actors interact and overlap in the Brazilian Amazon helps lead to sustainable futures for ASGM" .

Prof. Dr. Peter Pels

“I am fascinated by the task of exploring emerging futures in artisanal gold mining”

Mr Christophe Sawadogo

“Today is created tomorrow.”


Ms Januária Pereira Mello

“Land governance and land use provide fundamental knowledge for better environmental management to contribute to sustainable transformation of ASGM”

Mr Carlos Henrique Xavier Araujo

"Transformation to sustainability of ASGM activities should result in mitigation of environmental impacts and improving in mine safety and health conditions"

Dr. Jorge Calvimontes

"Diverse actors with different objectives and from different perspectives negotiate towards sustainability"

Ms Raissa Resende de Morais

"A multi-stakeholders view of artisanal mining for transformations to sustainability"

Dr. Lorenzo D'Angelo

"Fluid matter, substance and relation, that is gold"